I have officially decided to do devlogs every two weeks rather than weekly. Two weeks are much easier to juggle and I found that it I have much more things to talk about rather than wondering what to talk about in just a mere week. And boy do we have much to talk about this time! For now on I want to begin talking about lore rather than the game's innards (don't expect information on that to go away however) because I find talking about lore much more interesting. First thing's first though, I'd like to talk about a few things we have been working on before we get to lore. Chapter 2 is nearing it's final phases to being complete and I can see us moving onto chapter 3 early next month. Progression should also speed back up starting on the 30th for various personal reasons. In regards to cutscenes we have new CG art done such as Jubei's default attack as well as Azariah's:
Yet another spectacular job done by our artist Anjilnic. If you haven't seen his work yet still, (why haven't you!? He's talented!) go check him out under the Meet the Team tab! Azariah and Jubei's battle in this chapter has begun and with it the end of the second part of Chapter 2 is now upon us. We'll be working hard to finish this up and get to Chapter 3 where the game mechanics will expand as well as the other main character's goals so stay tuned for that.

I am actually very proud of this map. While it is linear, it looks very beautiful. It's moreso a transition map hence why it is so simple. I just love it okay!? Let's move onto lore! The story has a plethora of characters. So many it is rather difficult talking about them all in a single post without leaving out major information or spoiling too much of the ingame story. Because at the end of the day I want players to be genuinely surprised as to what happens and what concepts are. Since this is the first time we're doing this I want to talk about the world and the main plot device that gets the story spinning. So for this week we need to address the dimension known as Neinophis.

The Neinophis is a dimension invisible to all and can take the shape or form of practically anything. However on it's own it can do nothing and thus looks like an endless void of space. It exists everywhere yet normal humans cannot observe nor manipulate it. Only those who have opened up their 'Mind's eye' are allowed to peer into the void but that does not mean they are eligible to control such a place. In order to do so the user must gather a form of energy and store a lot within their 'vessel'. This form of energy can be anything to souls to the metaphysical as in the presence of chaos. Whichever they choose to feed into their bodies they must gather an astronomical amount in order to become the 'Host of Neinophis ' to manipulate it as they see fit. Since the Neinophis is an endless void it's pool of power is infinite and the hosts... so long as they have the will to can become omnipotent. What makes the Neinophis so powerful is it's capability to elevate one's will into it's blank empty void and manifest it into something the user can manipulate. If the host wishes to never be touched by anyone... for anyone who are living under the rules of the Neinophis have no choice but to never be capable of physically touching the host. The host is not unlike a god within this dimension and can even create life and places as they see fit. Reality is theirs to decide so long as their true desire is never contradicted. One must never view the Neinophis as their own power however but just an outlet to portray their wishes onto the world. Many know nothing of this dimension since it's research was lost to ancient times; however there are those from the old world who have resided within the Neinophis for thousands of years. The Daughters of Entaro. We'll be ending off this blog by talking about the eldest sister briefly, Kurei.
