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Map Revamping: Yukiko Hotsprings

Writer's picture: AnchovyAnchovy

It's been quite sometime since we've updated the devlog over here on the website. The reason our team decided to stop updating was because we felt as though there was not enough material to warrant showing anything off. Two years later and Azur is looking much more complete than before! We've reached a point where we can display significant portions of the game's development and before we reach the final phase of the project, a massive map revamp much take place. Currently, the game will have eight chapters. Each chapter will contain at the very least one town and one dungeon to explore. We've revamped three chapters maps so far and currently are working on Yukiko Hotsprings. The Yukiko Hotsprings is a dungeon that will first be encountered by the player in Chapter three as apart of the Whitmoor and Yukiko storyline. Previously it was an open to public tourist spot in Yukiko Village, if not for the various different factors that had affected it's conditions. With it being off limits, Munefuyu, a well known samurai to the village has been forced to quell the threat within the hotsprings, postponing his goal in finding the true culprit of the situation. Gameplay wise, Yukiko village will serve as the point in the game where several different mechanics previously taught to the player will begin to converge. This will encourage the player to look for other solutions when it comes to problem solving whether in battle, or not. The dungeon itself consists of four different floors, with various optional puzzles and branching paths. Altogether, the dungeon won't be too confusing to navigate. Overall, this dungeon segways into the third and final dungeon of the chapter. Storywise it is a major turning point for the characters so please do stay tuned to find out what happens upon release of the game! If you've gotten this far in the devlog, we seriously thank you for reading! We look forward to your continued support! ~Imprisoned~ -May 18, 2022



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